Submitted by Name: Carl Herron From: Conway, SC E-mail: Contact
Comments: 49 years ago we lost "Doc" Spencer, Teeter & Bennie Hively KIA
Added: April 25, 2020
Submitted by Name: Jim townsend From: Pleasant valley, ny E-mail: Contact
Comments: With the 50th anniversary of the Cambodian invasion (may 70) still looking for anyone who was at fsb Katum. Trying to find if anyone has photos or remembers that period there. Was with 595th engr detachment stationed on the east perimeter. Appreciate anything. Thank you
Added: April 13, 2020
Submitted by Name: TIM CROWLEY From: DREXEL HILL PA E-mail: Contact
Comments: 58 Years today Ronald McCoy L troop 3rd squadron was killed in Nam. I think of you often and remember the last conversation we had 30 minutes before you passed.RIP Mac.
Added: February 20, 2020
Submitted by Name: Josh Madsen From: Salt Lake City, UT E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi all! I wanted to reach out regarding my girlfriend's father, Peter Galliett. We believe he was 2LT Peter Galliett , Howitzer Battery, 1/11 in 1969 as a Forward Observer.
He passed away some 20 years ago and just recently she is uncovering some of the paperwork and letters from his time there. We are trying to piece things together and I found your page. If in fact he was part of the 11th we'd love to find out more information about your group and how to get involved. Thank you for your time in advance. Best, Josh Madsen
I am currently looking for any information regarding Cpt William Marshall Clark of the the 11th ACR. Any information would be very helpful, particularly pertaining to his time in South Vietnam in February of 1972.
Comments: Would like to find some of my calvary buds who served in 11th ACVVC, during November 1969 thru November 1970. Please email me back, if you recognize the name Michael Mears. Hope I hear from someone soon.
Added: February 7, 2020
Submitted by Name: Marilynn Rustand (Collins) Lieurance From: Originally California, Now near Portland, Oregon E-mail: Contact
Comments: I'm looking for anybody who knew my brother, James "Jim" Ford Rustand (Collins). Jim flew Huey's in Vietnam with the 11th ACR "Blackhorse" between 10/1/69 thru 11/31/70. He made it home & was killed 13 July 1980 when the blade flew off his Helicopter while fighting Petroleum Fires. An Ancestry DNA match revealed Jim had a son, Scott, he never knew about. Not knowing who his dad was has hurt Scott & he's very guarded. I'd like to find those who served with Jim & meet at Blackhorse Reunion so Scott can get to know his dad thru the men who served our country with Jim. I live in Oregon & I'm able to travel and take Scott to a reunion near Georgia where he lives.
Added: December 4, 2019
Submitted by Name: John Holt Sr From: California E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello,, Hoping someone has some photos of my brother Robert A Holt, He was in Nam 69/70 , Dont have any pics of him in uniform. Hopefully someone does. Thanks
Added: November 10, 2019
Submitted by Name: Nick Pavlakovich E-mail: Contact
Comments: Looking for any B Troop 2nd platoon 11th Cav personnel who where involved in and remember a firefight on the 8 November 1968 in the rubber around An Loc. During that engagement CPT John Husley Hays was KIA and LT. Robert O. Harris became the acting CO. LT. Harris set up shop on a tank from the 3rd platoon of B company 2/34th Armor as they engaged the NVA. The tank commander of that tank was wounded as was the driver after being hit by a number of RPGs during the firefight. He was recommended for a Silver Star for his valor, but never received it. Would like anyone, who was there and remembers anything to contact me. Thank you, Nick Pavlakovich SSG B Company 2/34th Armor
Added: October 19, 2019
Submitted by Name: Richard morrow From: Arlington Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am looking for anyone who was ambushed on 19 April 1968. I was with the 1st infantry division C 1/18 we were working on a combined operation outside of song be rvn. I can be contacted at or 817 716 8774
Name: Carl Herron
From: Conway, SC
E-mail: Contact
49 years ago we lost "Doc" Spencer, Teeter & Bennie Hively KIA