Submitted by Name: john v brennan From: United States E-mail: Contact
Comments: I've been able to locate over 300 former in-country Army AH-1G's that are on display in the U.S. and the identity of their former VN War units. Also, if NAMED during its tour, that is recorded as well.
Added: March 8, 2021
Submitted by Name: Jerry Howard From: Glendive Montana E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am looking for help finding someone associated with 1st SQ 1st PLT 11thACR. I have a memorial firearm inscribed: TO THE "WIZARD" THANKS FROM 1ST SQD 1ST PLT 11TH ACR
I would greatly appreciate anyone with any knowledge about this contacting me. A very good friend of mine - Salem Jamell - from Iowa was in the BlackHorse. I was in contact with him some recently but of late cannot contact him. If someone knows him tell him I am trying to get in touch. We went to 'nam together. I served in 'nam 68-69-70. Be safe & stay strong BROTHERS Thank You!
Added: December 11, 2020
Submitted by Name: Tonya Dalton From: Pulaski, VA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi, my grandfather was SSGT James Thomas Gravley. He was killed in Binh Duong, Vietnam on 1/24/69 at the age of 33.
I have been able to learn online that he was part of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Squadron, 11th Cavalry, H Company.
I was born in 1984 so, sadly, I never had the opportunity to meet him.
I wanted to reach out to see if anyone remembered him as I have always wanted to learn more about this great man that paid the ultimate price for our country, my grandfather.
Thank you.
Added: October 8, 2020
Submitted by Name: Ruth-Anna Greenawalt McDonald E-mail: Contact
Comments: My name is Ruth-Anna Greenawalt McDonald.
My dad Frederick (Fritz) Greenawalt served in the 11th Armored Air Cav Trp as a helicopter pilot from Jan 1969- Jan 70 at Quan Loi. He recently passed away and was buried at Ft. Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania.
I was wondering if anyone here might have known him?
I miss him terribly and would love to hear any stories or memories anyone might have. Thank you all for your service!
Added: September 8, 2020
Submitted by Name: Judith (Nicholson) Dietz E-mail: Contact
Comments: Just wanted to check in and make sure all are doing well. I still have fond memories from the D.C. Reunion in 2010. And a couple Troopers still keep in touch with me since then. John Hein and Paul Holliday whom I am very thankful for. Since Dad was killed in action in 1968 we still go through life wondering the "What ifs" and just feeling like you belong really makes a world of difference. As our world totally changed.
I keep all you BRAVE WAR HEROES in my thoughts and prayers. Please enjoy life and make some awesome memories with your families. After all are we not all family in Gods eyes. ALLONS!!
Gold Star daughter of PSGT GLENN E NICHOLSON- May 5, 1968
Added: September 6, 2020
Submitted by Name: Sean Kearnes From: Fort Wayne, IN E-mail: Contact
Comments: Greetings,
My name is Sean Kearnes & my father was Richard Alan Kearnes. He served with the Blackhorse / 11th Cavalry / Howe Battery, 3rd Squadron from September 1967 until June 1968 when he was injured by shrapnel to the head from a mortar round attack. Many in his platoon thought he was dead until he showed up at a reunion 25 years later. My dad had an amazing life and story. I am making a documentary on his story. If anyone may have known him, please contact me via phone or email. Thank you.
Gang! If you have questions about VA benefits please see USVCP website. You will get all questions answers or ask a few of your own.
Added: July 28, 2020
Submitted by Name: Boris Bauer From: Easley, SC E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am Boris Bauer who flew for the 68th AHC out of Bien Hoa. Recently I was in contact with a lady from Virginia who noted to me that her Father had died and could not be buried at Arlington until after this Covid-era. I learned in the conversation that he was in the 11 Cav from April 1, 1969 to September 30, 1969. He was sent back to the states after being shot down as a scout pilot. ld=1
Please note his death date: Stephen Moushegian (Jan 22, 1945-March 22, 2019 // Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Air Metal.
If you have any other information or pictures of Cpt Moushegian, I would be honored to forward these to his daughter.
Thank you, ~ Boris Bauer, CW4
Added: June 11, 2020
Submitted by Name: Raul Medina Sanchez From: San Antonio, Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: Greetings,
I am a first cousin of Pvt. Carlos Medina, who lost his life in 1967, in Tray Ninh Province, RVN. If you are still looking for Carlos' relatives, please let me know and I will connect you. If you have contact information for his widow, I would love to connect with her and her son, Carlos' son. Feel free to give her my email address, if you do. I have never met her or my second cousin. I think she was from the Baltimore area. I was younger than Carlos; I am 63 now. So I imagine that his wife is in her 70a and her son is in his 40s. If you ever have a reunion in Denver, where I now live, please inform me and I would love to attend. Regards.
Name: john v brennan
From: United States
E-mail: Contact
I've been able to locate over 300 former in-country Army AH-1G's that are on display in the U.S. and the identity of their former VN War units. Also, if NAMED during its tour, that is recorded as well.