Submitted by Name: ron krueger From: davis ca. E-mail: Contact
Comments: The 21st Annual Northern California Blackhorse Picnic/BBQ Saturday, October 1, 2011 1100 - ??? Slidehill Park, 2850 Temple Drive Davis, CA. 95618
Everyone is welcome to join us for a casual picnic in the park .Bring something to BBQ, something to share (salad, dessert, or munchies) and your beverage of choice. (Lawn chairs are good,too)
Directions: I-80 to Davis. Take the Mace Blvd exit. Go North, around bend (Mace becomes Covell Blvd) Turn Left on Monarch Ln. Take1st right onto Temple. Park is one block ahead on left.
I-5 to Woodland, exit at Road 102 to Davis. Proceed South to Davis, approx. 8 miles. Turn left at the 1st major intersection - Covell Blvd. Go about 1 mile to Monarch Blvd, turn right, go 1 block. Turn right on Temple. Park is 1 block ahead on left.
Watch for balloons and signs RSVP: Ron Krueger: 530-758-0351
Added: September 14, 2011
Submitted by Name: George R.Raven From: League City, TX E-mail: Contact
Comments: It is my sad duty to report to the 11th Cav. that my brother Martin R. Raven has passed to his final reward. This occured on 9/3/11. Marty served with 11th in Viet Man in 1970. I believe that his unit was in the Banana Plantation when we warn't in Cambodia LOL. God please bless and recieve all of the 11th Cavs. souls.
Marty will be interned in the National Cemetary in Bucks County PA on Friday Sept. 15th.
God bless the "Blackhorse"
Added: September 12, 2011
Submitted by Name: Barb M From: women's director 11th ACVVC E-mail: Contact
Comments: Will the ladies who volunteered to help with the Prayer Shawls please contact me ASAP
Added: September 5, 2011
Submitted by Name: Joe Willey
Comments: I am sadden to report that on Thursday night, Sept 2nd, my Vietnam battle buddy and good friend Garland K. Stewart lost his fight Cutaneous Lymphoma, an Agent Orange related cancer. The past month was really hard for Big G. I last spoke with Garland on Aug 23rd. He hadn't been feeling good, had received some bad news about his condition, and told me he didn't want visitors or phone calls. He called me on the 30th, but hung up before we could talk. Garland is survived by his wife and soul mate Cathy, a brother, and two nephews. It was Big G's request to be cremated and that his ashes be scattered off the shore of Tybee Island, GA. Blackhorse Troopers wishing to attend the memorial service need to arrive at Capt Mike's Dolphin Tours at 2:30 P.M. Saturday Sept 10th (turn right just after the bridge to the Island or left just before the bridge.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial contributions be made to either:
Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation P O Box 374 Birmingham,MI 48012-9014
11th Armored Cavalry's Veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia ( 11ACVVC) c/o Ollie Pickral 571 Ditchley Road Kilmarmock, VA 22482
Joe Willey
Added: September 5, 2011
Submitted by Name: Romeo Martin From: Plainville,Ct E-mail: Contact
Comments: Orlando Reunion dates are September 12-17,2012
Submitted by Name: ARTHUR L. WILLIAMS From: BRONX, NEW YORK E-mail: Contact
Comments: Member of I Troop from May 67 to May 68, gunner on I66 then gunner on I40 trained as a driver, stayed in that position till I left in May of 1968.
Added: September 2, 2011
Submitted by Name: leon woodruff From: tulsa oklahoma E-mail: Contact
Comments: was with the hco 2nd sq 11th armor cav aug 1968 to march 1969. i was on tank 12 when i was hit . m 48 tanks all the way. allons.
Added: August 30, 2011
Submitted by Name: watson stark From: Ashtabula, Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: I just got a welcome letter and I plan to keep in touch.
Added: August 27, 2011
Submitted by Name: Nat trevino From: Houston texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: just to say hello, ( 68-69 2nd 11th H co ) M-48 tanks
Name: ron krueger
From: davis ca.
E-mail: Contact
The 21st Annual Northern California
Blackhorse Picnic/BBQ
Saturday, October 1, 2011
1100 - ???
Slidehill Park, 2850 Temple Drive
Davis, CA. 95618
Everyone is welcome to join us for a casual picnic in the park .Bring something to BBQ, something to share (salad, dessert, or munchies) and your beverage of choice. (Lawn chairs are good,too)
I-80 to Davis. Take the Mace Blvd exit. Go North, around bend (Mace becomes Covell Blvd) Turn Left on Monarch Ln. Take1st right onto Temple. Park is one block ahead on left.
I-5 to Woodland, exit at Road 102 to Davis. Proceed South to Davis, approx. 8 miles. Turn left at the 1st major intersection - Covell Blvd. Go about 1 mile to Monarch Blvd, turn right, go 1 block. Turn right on Temple. Park is 1 block ahead on left.
Watch for balloons and signs
RSVP: Ron Krueger: 530-758-0351