Submitted by Name: Eric & Renee Baker From: Washington State E-mail: Contact
Comments: My family and I would like to take a moment to show our respect by saying to all the Blackhorse troopers "thank you for your service & sacrifice". We promised Bill Waller,C-troop, 1966-67 that we will teach our children the way he taught us to never forget.
"All gave some, some gave all" 716 lost but never forgotten
Added: November 11, 2011
Submitted by Name: Dave Reesey From: Annapolis MD
Comments: Could someone tell me what time the 11th acr assembles at the Wall on Veterans day....THANK YOU.....I was with H AND E troop 70,71
Admin reply: In Thunder Run. 10AM by statue of the three soldiers.
thank you for your service and for attending
Added: November 10, 2011
Submitted by Name: Tina From: Michigan E-mail: Contact
Comments: Found two dark olive uniforms with the black horse insignia in just black and a a round patch with a thick tan line through the middle and dark blue top and bottom. Would like someone from the regiment or their family to have these.
Added: October 15, 2011
Submitted by Name: fred d jack From: hayward wisconsin/Minneapolis Mn E-mail: Contact
Comments: Driver of one of the zippos HQ 35 the one that ran over the land mine.
Added: October 7, 2011
Submitted by Name: Bill Hatfield From: Cincinnati OH E-mail: Contact
Comments: Still proud of my "Honorary Blackhorse Trooper" certificate. I was with 11th acr at FSB Warrior 1971 on an 8" Howitzer with 2/32 artillery. God Bless...
Added: October 1, 2011
Submitted by Name: Steven U. Teitelbaum From: Slingerlands NY E-mail: Contact
Comments: Is ther any one who remembers Daniel M. Leahy,2Lt, HOw. Btry, 1st Sqd.. He was my roommate in college and best firend. He was only in country 51 days before his death. Tay ninh province 4-18-69. At the time of his dath I wa san E-5 still in the States.
Added: October 1, 2011
Submitted by Name: robert sinclair From: natick, mass. E-mail: Contact
Comments: served with air cav troop 1969-1970, Quan Loi and Bein Hoa, left April 1970.
Added: September 29, 2011
Submitted by Name: Paul Neilsen From: Norwalk,CT E-mail: Contact
Comments: In August of '67 I was stationed in Ft. Lewis Wash. I was told to report to personel where I was told I had been assigned to the 11th Cav in Nam. I was an E-5 with just under 3 years of active duty. The typical military SNAFU was nobody bothered to look at my ETS date in my 201 to see it was Sept. 14th. Since I wasn't being extended I was told to forget it. The reason I'm writing this is I was trying to remember exactly where in Nam the 11th was or were they scattered all over. I just lost a close friend last year who was with the 1st Cav and decorated with a Bronze Star. Thank you and God Bless the Vets who gave so much for so little.
Added: September 29, 2011
Submitted by Name: Rhonda (Collins) DiLeo From: Indiana E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am the daughter of PFC Ronald Charles Collins (He was 11th Armored Calvery).who was taken from us in December of 1969. I was born 2 months after his death. I am looking for anyone who might have known him. I want to know all I can about my hero. PLEASE contact my with any possible information!!! God Bless!!
Added: September 27, 2011
Submitted by Name: FRED D JACK From: HAYWARD WI LCO RESERVATION E-mail: Contact
Name: Eric & Renee Baker
From: Washington State
E-mail: Contact
My family and I would like to take a moment to show our respect by saying to all the Blackhorse troopers "thank you for your service & sacrifice". We promised Bill Waller,C-troop, 1966-67 that we will teach our children the way he taught us to never forget.
"All gave some, some gave all" 716 lost but never forgotten