11th Cav Visitors Guestbook

One thing leads to another. I was able to contact Trooper Andrie Hannah thru his wife. He wasn't in country before my brother was killed. The reason we never got many details of his K.I.A was that he had been stationed in Germany (1961) before he went to NAM. There he fell to love and married. Of course when he K.I.A., all belongs went to his wife, he was so short (time to leave) when he was killed even the duty officers had been rotated and the troopers that knew him were boarding ship. I've found out a great deal thru the online sourced at hand but would like to be able to say that I talked to one person that was with him over there. I know Donald Lynwood Martinez served: HHT 1/11 Sept,7,1966, K.I.A. 4/17/67 (Long Khanh) He may have begun driving or on a tank or ACAV wreck truck? But when K.I.A. had changed and was driving some other truck be it troop transport or service related, at night while in "circle wagon" formation. Is all we got from the (quarter master or supply?)officer newbee in country.
THIS lead to while going to the store I see a 11th A.C.R. NAM Flag flying. It is Ed Atwell HHT Regt 1968/69 I stopped to meet and offer in future assistance. Sure, wasn't there when Don (Joe) was but wow! Who'd of thunk it. So give your guys a call. They may need you.

Added: February 10, 2016
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I just saw the post two down Andrie Hannah. This was also the unit Don Martinez (1966/67) was in if anyone. From that unit would also contact me. Or webmaster open a line of comm. between us if acceptable. Thanks You.

Added: February 10, 2016
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I always wondered why my brothers uniform didn't bare a Black Horse patch. I was reading up on the history of when the patch was issued and see that it was issued in May of 1967 and he was K.I.A. April, 17 1967. He missed so may things by that much. Short 2 days. On the way to the ship.
What patch would have preceded the unit Black Horse Patch?
Brother: Donald (Joe) Martinez

Added: February 10, 2016
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anyone remember Jim Baka B troop first squadron..date of casualty was 4/18/69

Added: February 1, 2016
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I am looking to contact any members of HHT 1/11 1967/1968 IN COUNTRY.

Added: January 28, 2016
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I am looking to contact CPT Tommy McAdams daughter, Sheri Nelson, but her e-mail address on her request is wrong. Does anyone have the correct address. CPT McAdams was F Troop Commander, he was killed on 28 Feb. 1969.

Added: January 27, 2016
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I am looking to contact CPT Tommy McAdams daughter, Sheri Nelson, but her e-mail address on her request is wrong. Does anyone have the correct address. CPT McAdams was F Troop Commander, he was killed on 28 Feb. 1969.

Added: January 27, 2016
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Hi , I'm the daughter of Charles d Pauley aka Slick who served in C troop 1/11 in Vietnam October 1968-sept 1969! His rank was SP4 ! I'm looking for anyone who served with him! Sadly he passed in 2004 and I was unable to ask the many questions I have about him!!! I'm curious about the battles and his time there! I was able to get some info from him very late one evening before he passed but I'm very curious what he was like then ! I've been made aware he received a bronze star medal for valor and a commendation medal I would be curious to know why he received these!! I'm his only child but had little contact with him until 2000! I'm very proud to have come from someone who served and would love to hear from someone who knew him! He lived in West Virginia !!! I would love to be able to tell my 21 year old son about his grandpa as my son is military bound!!! Anyone with any info would be greatly appericated!!! Pictures would be even better!! I do have 2 pics of him from there ! Thank u in advance and I can be reached at ohiowrestlingmom1@yahoo.com

Added: December 29, 2015
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Hi , I'm the daughter of Charles d Pauley aka Slick who served in C troop 1/11 in Vietnam October 1968-sept 1969! His rank was SP4 ! I'm looking for anyone who served with him! Sadly he passed in 2004 and I was unable to ask the many questions I have about him!!! I'm curious about the battles and his time there! I was able to get some info from him very late one evening before he passed but I'm very curious what he was like then ! I've been made aware he received a bronze medal for valor and a Purple Heart ! I would be curious to know why he received these!! I'm his only child but had little contact with him until 2000! I'm very proud to have come from someone who served and would love to hear from someone who knew him! He lived in West Virginia !!! I would love to be able to tell my 21 year old son about his grandpa as my son is military bound!!! Anyone with any info would be greatly appericated!!! Pictures would be even better!! I do have 2 pics of him from there ! Thank u in advance and I can be reached at ohiowrestlingmom1@yahoo.com

Added: December 29, 2015
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Looking for information about Capt. Jimmy Atchinson KIA 12 April 1970. Jimmy was a helo pilot and childhood friend. His name and photo are found on the Vietnam Monument in Frederick,MD Memorial Park 201 N. Bentz St.

Added: December 28, 2015
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