Submitted by Name: Jim Bennett From: Wyoming E-mail: Contact
Comments: My regards to Col. Stokes for his work on his book about 2/11 ACR,including 919th, during the last years we were in Vietnam. The book is very good , and includes many pictures. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in that period of time. I realize some of us were not there when the heyday was happening in the area , but nevertheless, we were still there. Someone had to do it. Again my regards to Col. Stokes for a job well done.
Added: November 5, 2010
Submitted by Name: Paul Repsher Jr. From: Florida E-mail: Contact
Comments: Just wanted to say hello . My Dad served with you guys.
Added: November 4, 2010
Submitted by Name: andrew matteu daresta From: atlanta ga. E-mail: Contact
Comments: hi gang andy d 919-33 5/68-5/69 here Just checking in how it going? tried to get contact info on cpt. diaz at fort bragg to send him on history of 919th info Ihave a booklet given to me when i arrive in country does any know how to his contact info
Added: November 1, 2010
Submitted by Name: DOUG [ALPHY] GIESIGE From: OHIO E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey Tom. [Tom was the driver on the track that I was left-gunner on, E-23]. I'll call you after you get that fricken' handrail installed! Doug
P.S. Say Hi to Charlotte for me.
Added: October 29, 2010
Submitted by Name: Charles Mercer From: ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: How you been tom.I was on 31 track 69 to 69.It's good to see your name on the guestbook.
Added: October 27, 2010
Submitted by Name: Thomas Littrell From: Kansas E-mail: Contact
Comments: I WAS with 919th 69/70 driver of 23
Added: October 26, 2010
Submitted by Name: COL Bill Stokes From: Former CO, 2-11 ACR E-mail: Contact
Comments: CPTs Crossland and Diaz mention reactivation of 919th. 919th Engineer Detachment was assigned to 2d Squadron, 11th ACR in March 1971 after other parts of Regiment stood down.
With help of 919th Troopers of period 1971-72, we have completed history of 2-11. This history manuscript describes missions and contributions of 919th during Squadron's final year in Vietnam.
New members of 919th should be aware of their unit's contributions during last year in Vietnam. Will provide this history to reactivated 919th upon its request.
Comments: andy d here;919-33 5/68-5/69 finally got back to check 919th site had great time in wash dc thanks to all of you that attended i need to back and look at messages and answer a few. its nice to know the 919th is coming alive again. hey maybe we invite to the reunion in savanah
Added: October 2, 2010
Submitted by Name: Rick Radcliffe From: Ohio E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hello ALL I was there with the 919th when they stood down in 72 an have`nt really seen anything about the 919th. So to all you engr`s an their familes I wish You The Best... Rick
Comments: Hello Red Devils, I'm the new commander to the reactivated 919th Engineer Support Company (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, NC. We'll be having an activation ceremony on 15 Oct at 1100 by our company HQ. It would be wonderful to have 919th veterans in attendance! We have a Facebook page; just search "919th Engineer Support Company (Airborne)" and join. Feel free to contact me:
Name: Jim Bennett
From: Wyoming
E-mail: Contact
My regards to Col. Stokes for his work on his book about 2/11 ACR,including 919th, during the last years we were in Vietnam. The book is very good , and includes many pictures. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in that period of time. I realize some of us were not there when the heyday was happening in the area , but nevertheless, we were still there. Someone had to do it. Again my regards to Col. Stokes for a job well done.