Submitted by Name: Jim Hill From: Perry Oklahoma E-mail: Contact
Comments: How can I get the information on the reunion in GA.
Added: February 27, 2011
Submitted by Name: andrew daresta From: ga. E-mail: Contact
Comments: g got it andy d 919-33
Added: February 12, 2011
Submitted by Name: Kenneth Wood From: Oak Ridge, NC. E-mail: Contact
Comments: January 18, 2011
Admin reply:
Submitted by Name: Kenneth Wood From: Oak Ridge, NC. E-mail: Contact
Comments: I sent out invatations to the June 14-16 919th Engineer renunion in Savannah Ga. If you haven't gotten a letter or email please contact me. The letter follows below. January 18, 2011
Admin reply:
Submitted by Name: Merlin Baker From: Texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: If you have not received the info on the June 919th reunion in Savannah, Georgia contact MSG (ret) Ken Woods for information. Merlin
Added: February 5, 2011
Submitted by Name: Henry Dewayne jones ( Hank) From: Paragould, Arkansas E-mail: Contact
Comments: Where is our reunion going to be this year? Had heard Savannah Ga.
Added: February 3, 2011
Submitted by Name: Garland Bell From: Nocona TX Website: E-mail: Contact
Comments: It's been many years ago that I served with the 919th 4th Platoon 1st Squad. I have made contact with some but still looking for others that served in 1968 thru 1969. Anyone going to the reunion in St. Louis, MO.????
Added: January 27, 2011
Submitted by Name: Roger Cross [ Crute ] From: Wilmington, NC E-mail: Contact
Comments: When is the 919th reunion in Charelston?
Added: January 25, 2011
Submitted by Name: ERROL BRUMM From: KENTUCKY E-mail: Contact
Comments: HHT and K troop 11th ACR 67/68 Hope all is well with the 919th. Saw alot of you guys during the Emporia exercises until we got to play in Tet 68. Allons ERROL
Added: January 8, 2011
Submitted by Name: Richard Perea From: Hawaii E-mail: Contact
Comments: I made this for my 4th platoon buddies as a Christmas present, I hope the rest can enjoy it.
Name: Jim Hill
From: Perry Oklahoma
E-mail: Contact
How can I get the information on the reunion in GA.