919th Engineers Guest Book

I was on 10 m48a3 in 1969-1970 I would like to get contact with Mike Crist if I can.Thank you for help

Added: December 27, 2010
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Its odd how some things that happened more than 40 years which were repressed seem to pop into your head..

I was on the first platoon tank crew making our morning road sweep for mines between Blackhorse base camp up to the hard road from Xuan Loch..The buses carrying the Vietnamese day workers waited patiently for us to clear the road..It usually tok the whole platoon to do this.The engineers with their detectors,the tank and ACAVs for security.While 1st squadron was in Blackhorse,this was our only real job for the day.

We had cleared the road up to a point and I guess the bus driver got tired of waiting..He assumed where we had passed was clear so he went around us on the way to Blackhorse..A few minutes later we heard the explosion and saw the bus on its side..Anyone who has ever sweeped for mines,knows it was never perfect.

The engineers with their equipment climbed on the front fender of 10 and we made the turn back.We had not gone far before we hit another missed mine..This was a pretty good size one as well.I seem to remember it split the track and we lost a few road wheels.Plus I think it warped the hull..Not easy for a 52 ton vehicle

The engineers on the front fender went flying,I remember one flying past me on top of the tank and I saw him land 20 feet behind

I know there were people sent to Japan to heal and some came back,some didn't.If anyone remembers this I would like to hear from you to find out how things turned out

Happy Holidays
Michael Crist
1st Platoon,May 68-Aug 69

Added: December 26, 2010
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I was just tring to inquire about Paul Repsher. Don't have the pass word. Don't know what to do to get one.

Added: December 4, 2010
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Hello Merry Christmas to all of you 919th Red Devils.Harry A Kelly was KiA i think in 1967 he was from the next Town up from were i grew up in Huntersville N.C.I was at BlackHorse Base working in Supply my Mother sent me a letter and infromed me about Harry being KIA.

Alons 6/67-6/68

Added: December 3, 2010
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:!devil: Andy d.here;919-33 happy turkey day yuo devils wish to obtain info on the 2011 919th reunion savanah ga.when is it/if I can be any assistance I want to make a great 1st reuion please contact me asap! :!devil: I recently retired/getting a divorce and about to :!mad:

Added: December 1, 2010
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I am one of the old ones as I was at Ft Hood then went over with 919th in Aug 1966. I was in 2nd Plt 2nd Sqd. SSG Alonzo was my Sqd Ldr.Would be nice to hear from some of the guys from that time period.

Added: November 18, 2010
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Joe Rooney, Your picture with Ravin, and Crist. The other guy is Brian O'Laughlin, he's the one who did the painting on the ACAVs and Tanks. He was there with Webb, who you replaced. Didn't know we had a new site, looks good!

Added: November 10, 2010
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My regards to Col. Stokes for his work on his book about 2/11 ACR,including 919th, during the last years we were in Vietnam. The book is very good , and includes many pictures. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in that period of time. I realize some of us were not there when the heyday was happening in the area , but nevertheless, we were still there. Someone had to do it. Again my regards to Col. Stokes for a job well done.

Added: November 5, 2010
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Just wanted to say hello . My Dad served with you guys.

Added: November 4, 2010
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:!devil: hi gang andy d 919-33 5/68-5/69 here Just checking in how it going? tried to get contact info on cpt. diaz at fort bragg to send him on history of 919th info Ihave a booklet given to me when i arrive in country does any know how to his contact info :!mad: :!devil:

Added: November 1, 2010
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