11th Cav Members Bulletin Board

The Documentary Group, formerly Peter Jenning's Productions, is producing a feature length documentary on West Point's graduating Class of 1967. The film is being produced in cooperation with the West Point Center for Oral History.

One member of the class, Tom White, served in the 11th ACR Blackhorse and eventually became Secretary of the Army. If you served in the 11th ACR Blackhorse and have any photographs or slides of Tom White during his time in Vietnam, we would be very grateful if you allowed us to use them in the film. We would pay for shipping and handling to our offices in New York City and return the photographs immediately after scanning them.

For further discussion, I can be reached at the email link to the left or by phone at 212.456.5162. Thank you.

Added: July 6, 2011
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Looking for a John Summers from Pa. We worked together at Plantation '70-'71

Added: July 3, 2011
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Happy 4th of July everyone!
Why not take a few minutes to say Thank You to all who have served or are serving to protect our freedom.

This is also a GREAT time to register for the reunion in St. Louis.
Do it now and avoid have to pay any late fees.

bob and barb :o

Added: July 2, 2011
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:!devil: andy d.hear;got room at st louis need roommate!cal 770-377-1552 :!devil:

Added: July 1, 2011
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So far we have over 616 registered for St. Louis,only 1 from the 37th Med. and 1 from 7th Surg.With there spouses Well K.Troop with 72.Don't wait til the last minute. :!cry:

Added: June 27, 2011
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Wanted: Photos of ACAV’s with designs, characters or other hull art. The Armor School at Fort Benning, GA, is looking for photos of ACAV’s in Vietnam with relevant “warpaint” applied. In the Armor School’s move and reestablishment of operations at Benning they are reworking various vehicle displays and want to historically represent each as accurately as possible. The Armor School has specifically requested that the ACAV display be representative of the 11th ACR in Vietnam. They would like to review any photos as soon as possible.

Please send any photos for consideration to Allen Hathaway (either e-mail or snail mail) Photos will be returned.

Added: June 24, 2011
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Please join us at our GOLF TOURNAMENT held in Burbank, CA -- DeBell Golf Course, August 26, 2011. We will be funding service animals for wounded veterans as part of our fund raising efforts. Please see our website and also the Burbank Burroughs Alumni link on the home page or on Facebook at: DAVIS GINGELL FOUNDATION. Thanks

Added: June 18, 2011
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Trooper Assistance can be found on 'website updates' . Scroll almost to the bottom. Or contact Allen Hathaway

Added: June 17, 2011
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I was on the road in Virginia,I saw a Blackhorse sticker on a Pick-up truck with license plate VA LAD. The young lady would not look over to see my hat with the 11th ACR symbol on it. She drove off at Exit 152 on I95. Just wanted to say HI. :)

Added: June 17, 2011
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Went back and found gentlemans name state....E troop 2/11 A.C.R. Lloyd Deckman. Service 2/71 to 11/71. My name is John Michael DeLong (mike) and I too was in the 11th A.C.R. Echo troop from January 71 til December 71. I was on the platoon sgt. track. Sheridan and our driver was Danny Adams and I was transfered down from DMZ first of the 5th Mechinized after unit deactivated. My January to december dates are actually in country dates. My time in the cav. apprx.April of 71 to 12/71. the only guys I remember are some of the dead and two of my crew members. Dan Adams of Pittsburg and Kevin. Tank Comander was a e-7 from Calif. with nik name of p-daddy. Im ptsd in a chronick way they say. Firsy time ever seeked help as of last three wks. being evaluated now. Never been to a reunion although a group of us over their use to mention a 20 year one at the martigraw.....never happened. Saw earlier on this site somewhere where a guy could get financial help to get to the re-union. now cant find. first time on this site. am looking for battle info for my ptsd claim under instruction of eveluator. do you know anything of where to get assistance in getting to the reunion?

Added: June 16, 2011
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