11th Cav Members Bulletin Board

XUAN LOC is Known as LONG GIAO,and is in the LONG KHANH
DISTRICT. BLACKHORSE Base Camp can still be seen on Google Earth. and is also located in the long khanh district, Blackhorse is known as LONG KHANH

Added: November 13, 2011
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I meant to get this out first thing this morning. Thank you all for your service. I wish you the best this Veterans Day.

Added: November 11, 2011
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LADIES, If you served in the military (no matter whith whom) please see my notice on the womens corner of this web site,
This is very important as I am trying to account for all of us.

Barb Moreno
11thACVVC Women's Director

Added: November 11, 2011
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Thomas Earnest passed away on 11/03/2011 early in the morning. He served in the United States Army - 11th ACR Blackhorse 2nd Squadron Howitzer Battery - he served in Vietnam in 1969.
There will be visitation on Sunday, November 13th from 3-9pm at Chapel Hill Gardens located at 11333 S Central Av in Oak Lawn, IL. The military honors funeral will be at Abraham Lincoln Cemetery on Monday, November 14th at 10:30am located at 20953 W Hoff Rd in Elwood, IL.

Admin reply: Please contact Barb Moreno at puppytoes8@gmail.com with survivor information and a mailing address.

Added: November 3, 2011
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Pete and I were among five guys who showed up at Blackhorse Base Camp and ended up in F Troop..all on the same day in 1969...On our first night at FSB San Jacinto, we did an AP, and Pete's track hit a mine...
Nobody badly hit, but it did destroy Pete's only pair of army glasses...so he went to the Engineer track until his glasses came in....and stayed there his entire tour..

See you soon Pete....all the best!

Added: October 31, 2011
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Pete Echon, a member of F Troop and also assistant website manager for our website 11thcavnam.com and also for the F troop website is currently in the VA Hospital in Critical Condition because of Cancers and Tumors in his lungs, The Doctors hold out little hope and have said that Radiation and Chemo are no longer any use.

Pete spent thousands of hours helping to make the 11thcavnam.com a great website.

Pete's family has been told to say goodbyes.

If any of you guys wish to send a card or flowers to Pete, here is his address, I am sure Pete would like to hear from his fellow Troopers

Pete Echon
1624 Kenneth Ave
Arnold, Pa 15068-4219

Admin reply: This is his home address.


Added: October 27, 2011
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Any new news on the laying of the rest of the bricks.

Added: October 25, 2011
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Update on Herman Blair G troop, 69, I have been following Hermans daughter on facebook, i understand they have the trach out and he is talking clearly, and is doing rehab walking with a walker. He seems to be doin good. He was to be moved to Atlanta hospital but that is on hold right now, he is still in the hospital he was in.

Added: October 21, 2011
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Has anyone gotten an update on Herman Blair? We've tried calling several times but get no answer.

Added: October 21, 2011
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If interested, contact: Brian.Reymann@hilton.com
A Special Thank You to our Military

Over the past few days, during the AUSA Convention, we have once again been reminded of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women in our Armed Services. This coming Veteran’s Day, we will be giving back.

We are honored to give away one 5 night stay to one of our brave, active duty members of the military.

We will also be giving away two weekend stays for any active duty military, reserve, or veteran. Simply go to our Facebook Page or Twitter Page (@funathgidc) and post a comment that you, or someone you love, has served our country. On Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2011, we will announce the winners.

Please pass this offer along to any and all persons who serve, or have served, in the military.

With deep gratitude,

John Rish
General Manager
Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC Downtown

Added: October 14, 2011
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