Submitted by Name: KIP From: Florida E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hey Gary .. I have a picture of you Mine sweeping the area after I hit that mine? and a lot of other pictures of you ... I won't say what they are on here EMAIL me if and when you get a chance, would love to here from you
Comments: Good to hear from you Gary. I do not view this site too often anymore. I will call you soon. My cell : 419-305-6532.
Added: December 8, 2015
Submitted by Name: gary adkins From: texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: alphie/jb e_ mail I don't know to get the dam password Doug I have some pic of you patching up doc after Kip hit a mine phone 817 757 7752.
Comments: To Gary 'Big Daddy "Adkins. Glad you are still upright. I talk to "Jelly Belly " Littrell about once a month. A lot of us are gone now,I am glad you are not one of them. You and I are the only ones left who used to mine-sweep together. Stay cool.
Doug Giesige E-23, 69-70
Added: November 4, 2015
Submitted by Name: gary adkins daddy adkins From: weatherford texas E-mail: Contact
Comments: 2plt 1969 1970 1stsq
Added: October 30, 2015
Submitted by Name: Raymond Craig Houx From: Topanga, California E-mail: Contact
Comments: I was a member of the the 919th Engineers stationed near Xuan Loc at Black Horse Base Camp with the 11th Armored Cav. May, 1968 to Apr. 1969. I would like to reconnect with old friends from that time. Does anyone know how to contact John Carter? He's from Baltimore. Thanks. Peace be with you.
Added: October 10, 2015
Submitted by Name: david spengler From: colorado E-mail: Contact
Comments: looking for some of the old gang
Added: September 29, 2015
Submitted by Name: Jim Binns From: Eugene OR E-mail: Contact
Comments: Was there Feb 69- Feb 70 dozer operator/ ten ton/ 5ton dump driver
Name: KIP
From: Florida
E-mail: Contact
Hey Gary .. I have a picture of you Mine sweeping the area after I hit that mine? and a lot of other pictures of you ... I won't say what they are on here EMAIL me if and when you get a chance, would love to here from you