11th Cav Members Bulletin Board

Randall L Schriver
Randy I was on 22 most of 69 I think we crossed paths befpre you left country. Tom

Added: January 24, 2012
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need guest book pass word
Gene Waldron
Mco 3rd 11th

Added: January 20, 2012
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Served with A Troop from Sep 1969-Sep 1970, 2nd Plt, A-26 I was wondering when and if "The Anonymous Battle, Part II" was going to show up in the Quartermaster Store.

Added: January 20, 2012
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Need a new LIFE membership card? Contact the Membership Chairman - Allen Hathaway - at 11thcav1966@comcast.net

Added: January 18, 2012
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trying 2 get in touch with ED CRUZ from washington state the last time I was given his phone # and that wasn't rigth.So any help

Added: January 16, 2012
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I want to personally thank each individual person that came out to participate in the procession for my father "James 'Animal' Hill". I had never been in one like what we had so it was quite shocking. I didn't realize we had so much support from you! On Jan 6th every one of you shown us different. It was amazing to have that many bikers with us and supporting us. I truly found that these people are family and me and my sister would like to be apart of that pack too, that is if you'll have us?
Most importantly I want to thank the riders each and everyone of them. If I could get an email provided for them . '

Added: January 13, 2012
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how can I sign in without a password?

You just signed the guestbook.

Did you not read my message below


Added: January 12, 2012
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how can I sign in without a password?

Added: January 12, 2012
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You can reply to a post by making another post.

The replys button at the bottom right is for administrator comments.

Sorry for the confusion, but this is the only guestbook we have found so far that isn't filled with spam and hackers.


Added: January 12, 2012
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me too. have requested one earlier and never recieved a response...

Added: January 11, 2012
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